Sunday, November 29, 2009

Internet explorer?

I have ran my virus scan viruses detected...but my computer keeps freezing up and giving me and "internet explorer has stopped responding or encountered a problem and will now shut down"I then send an error report everytime it happens. Can anyone tell me why this happens and how can I fix it?

Internet explorer?ireland

You may have spyware.

You should have Windows Defender. It is free from Microsoft and watches your system prevents programs from taking over your home page etc.

Go here to read about and get it -

Two other free programs you should get %26amp; run about once a week are Spybot and Adaware. They also are free and you can get them both here -

Between those three you are doing a pretty good job of protecting your system and IE will likely run fine.

Internet explorer?microsoft outlook internet explorer

simple. Download Mozilla Firefox. Much better browser and you can upload all of your favorites from IE to it.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling the browser. Also depending on the version of Windows you are running and if you have it enabled you can roll back your computer to an earlier date.
Virus Scan doesn't get rid of spyware. Go to and download a good anti-sypware program. Good Luck.
Delete the files in your profile's Temp and Temp Int folders. Barring that, build a new user with admin rights and login with that. If the problem goes away, it was being caused by corrupt settings in your profile.
Have you tried the microsoft support site to either find out the problem, or update your software with the latest patches.

Often works
The most simple way to fix your browser is reinstalling it. If you continue experiencing difficulties you may look for a PC tech, else get another browser, such as FIREFOX or AVANT or even NETSCAPE those are the most popular softwares around.

Other way, more complicated than the others is,,, rolling back your computer to an earlier time, tho it isn't that hard since it is a STEP by STEP process. But u have to remember the exact day the problem begun.

The other way.... and i don't think you like it is Formmating your hard drive and reinstall everthing (since O.S. to preffered softwares as MSN messenger)

Good luck =)

Log in to yahoo email when error internet explorer cannot display webpage?

I have been able to log into this email account from my home computer and yesterday and today all I get is internet explorer cannot display webpage. I can log on to this email account from another computer. I have tried turning off the firewall. I have done nothing new, but something has changed.

Log in to yahoo email when error internet explorer cannot display webpage?windows vista

It's been happening a lot to me too! Yahoo servers are experiencing problems. Nothing we can do... it's not your computer, it's on their end!

What errors have you encounter with internet explorer 7 and webex when used together?

I am looking for error messages received, or just any errors that you get such as being unable to start the meeting, or some hick up that happens in the meeting or even problems when scheduling meetings.

also I would like to know if you were able to fix the error and how you fixed it.

Thank you to all that help with this.

What errors have you encounter with internet explorer 7 and webex when used together?windows media player

IE 7 is new enough that some sites and programs still do not support it properly. There is a small program that will fool these programs and site into thinking you are using IE6 and cause them to work properly. There is also a small program you can download that will automatically notify Microsoft of the IE7 incompatability with a site or program. This allows MS to contact these people and help fix their programs.

The link saying "Internet Explorer 6" will make them work with IE7.

Is anybody else having problems with internet script errors on Facebook?

I have been trying to accept a friendship request on Facebook, among other things, and I just keep getting endless internet explorer script error messages. I shouldn't even be getting the messages as I have disabled them under internet options. Anybody else having the same problem, if so how did you resolve it? Also nothing seems to be working on the site, such as downloading new applications.

Is anybody else having problems with internet script errors on Facebook?microsoft office

ya facebook scripts are not well made and glitchy because they are made by users

also try firefox instead of internet explorer (i think it's less glitchy)

Is anybody else having problems with internet script errors on Facebook?opera browser internet explorer

just use myspace. no one uses facebook really
facbeook is a huge network between so many people..such things often happen.. the server is probably exhausted. but it's okay it'll work next time u try
It could be the site-servers are clogged up..If your having I.E script based errors i would try using another browser as already recommended which is Mozillas Firefox. This will help determine if it's a browser based problem or FAacebook.

Firfox download.

I hope this will help you.
i don't get them. try using firefox or disabling your privacy controls or checking your firewall. also, if you have a proxy server, that might be blocking it.

Internet explorer cannot display this web page. I am connected. What gives?

Ok, so I found a good wireless connection in my area and have been logging onto it recently. I have had no problems until suddenly I was going to website site and it came up with that ever so common error.

'Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage'

So I pressed diagnose. Didn't work.

I turned on and off the computer a few times. Didn't work.

I turned on and off the connection. Didn't work.

I repaired the connection. Didn't work.

I even reset internet explorer. Didn't help.

So what else can I do!

System Info:

Internet Explorer 7


Inspirin 1501


Internet explorer cannot display this web page. I am connected. What gives?microsoft word

I would use Firefox (FF) instead of Explorer. You can download it free and compare. You can download it from CNET (

If you have a lot of bookmarks you can Import those from IE. When in Firefox click on File 鈫?Import 鈫?Internet Explorer .. and click OK ... It will let you Import your Bookmarks.

I switched to FF long time ago. I suggest you having both browsers on your computer.

Internet Explorer Operation Aborted Error?

I Started getting an error saying internet explorer cannot open (The website) operation aborted then it just go's to Page cannot be displayed it happens on some websites but i dont know why how can i fix it?

Internet Explorer Operation Aborted Error?windows live

You might have a spyware problem. You can download ad-aware se for free at

How could I solve the recurring errors faced by my Internet Explorer?

I keep getting a message that the IE faced a problem and needs to close down. I updated the IE7, but the problem persists. Thanks.

How could I solve the recurring errors faced by my Internet Explorer?windows update

too many gay porn sites.

How could I solve the recurring errors faced by my Internet Explorer?microsoft excel internet explorer

Well, i say that you quit the dead IE and move to Firefox or the more better version Opera.Just forget IE
Itz becoz IE7 supports lotz of addons...itz inbuilt with it....and coz of many reasons,it crashes more than often....

Better you change your browser...use 'Mozilla Firefox' or 'Opera'.....these are other standard and well recognised browsers....

Here are the links...

FireFox -

Opera -
IE has always been full of bugs and non-standards-compliant. And if you think they will fix it, you should realize that they always release a new version, which has it's own issues, before they fix the issues with the previous versions (if ever).

Download Firefox here:

You'll be glad you did.
